I babble on about my life...

I babble on about my life...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


My father's house is probably the most boring place on planet earth, don't get me wrong I love spending time with my dad but he works A LOT. Leaving me at home alone with nothing to do or eat. The only thing to do is watch tv or surf the net. And my father doesn't eat fatty foods. I don't have my license so im stuck like chuck here. The one thing that drives me nuts is the amount of clocks in this house. This move has also put a strain on my friendships. I'll have to put up with this until im done with my sessions with my counseler, then I can take a trip to New York. :DD

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Nothing tops the feeling after witnessing your father's tears.

It's surreal.

I had to blink a few times to realize he was crying.

I felt a certain pain,

like agony and guilt mixed together to form this word that has yet to be made.

Reacting was the hardest part.

I didn't know how to.

All I did was hold his hand.

A simple gesture that I hoped spoke for me.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Like adults say everyday, "Growing up is a part of life" and so is making mistakes. If you read my blog then you should already know I got into trouble with the law. I was caught shoplifting at a nearby mall in Claires.(Thank God I'm 17) Well, I now have to go to a "diversion program" for counseling because of it, instead of court. If I pass all the courses then the case wont go on my juvenile record. The course is a total of 3 months -___- Keep in mind I'm leaving for college and I'm hoping I'll be done before I leave. Some of the many questions people ask me: "Why did you do it?" "Who did you do it with?" and "Where were you?" AND the most famous one "Have you learned your lesson?"

Hmmm. We'll one things for sure I can't answer why I did it. There isn't a reason. What do most cleptos answer that with? It's hard to swallow the dumb truth that is "I just wanted it and I didn't want to pay." It's even harder trying to explain it to your parents. The worse part about this is the fact that my parents were disappointed. But they we're rational about it and I thank them for that everyday.

Have I learned my lesson? I don't know. I have these urges when I walk into stores, especially fashion forward ones. But whenever I have the urge to take something I just think back to that moment they handcuffed me, and then I think to myself It's just not worth it.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Time to play catch up.

I feel like I start off with this in all my blog posts. About how I have not posted in FOREVER. It's sad. I usually only come on her when I'm bored, or when I feel creative. But I promise to keep up more often.

Latest News/Obsessions/Epiphanies(More like things I knew, I just didnt accept untill now).
1. I got in trouble with the law recently and now I'm paying for it.
2. I just graduated.
3. I leave for College in 3 months.
4. I fell for Adele, her music speaks to me.
5. I realized that Life is a bitch, she waits for no one, she's short, and shes harsh.
6. I will never be okay with myself.
7. It's hard for me to forget.
8. Strawberry and Pomegranate Lemonade is like crack to me.
9. I failed my driver's test -___-
10. People will ALWAYS let you down, always; even your family will.
11. You come into this world alone and you leave alone; it's sad.
12. Time is flying.
13. I've learned to take one day at a time, it makes things a little easier.