I babble on about my life...

I babble on about my life...

Monday, September 6, 2010

"Hope is the raw material of losers."- Fernando Flores.

I do not know why I do this over and over again. What's silly is that I promised myself I wouldnt. But I do. I waste my precious time on someone who is ungrateful. Someone who is unworthy of my time. A specific someone who does'nt care for me, Now im not saying this because I'm some narcissistic person but because I know I'm better than him and because I know I deserve better. HIM on the other hand deserves crap for being so incompetent. He doesnt even deserve this post. As a matter of fact this post is for me and only me, a form of creative expression. To be completely honest...I'm the fool. I'm the one who kept waiting for you. Waiting for someone I know will never move on. waiting for someone I could never have. WAITING PERIOD. waiting for your texts and waiting for the calls I knew I would never recieve. I hoped for a future between us but then again, hope is the raw material of losers. and i sir, I am not a loser. So I'm done hoping, I'm done waiting, and I'm done wanting you.

The point I'm trying to make: You're an idiot, and I hope you realize what you're missing out on.